Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Old Friends...Good times.

Forgive me to all of you who are true bloggers at heart. I have never been a blogger but am trying to get better at it. Last week was a complete whirl wind. I went to my hometown of Abilene thinking I was going to be there for a couple of days and ended up there for a whole week! Not only did the crazy winter weather tide me over but also the blessing of getting to catch up with old friends. I grew up in Abilene all my life but haven't lived there for 11 years. In all the times I have gone back to visit my family, never have I seen more friends than during this trip. It was amazing getting to catch up with them and reminisce about high school and other things that shall remain between us. Hahah. I know now that I will never lose touch with them again for that long. While I was there I met my friend Sherry's new beautiful baby boy and took a couple shots of him real quick. He is sooooo precious and definitely won me over with those beautiful blues and huge dimples! Congrats again Sherry! See you next time I am in town. 

1 comment:

  1. WOW what a beautiful baby! I love how you made those gorgeous eyes just pop like that!!
